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Why do the Alpha Weekend?
Rebecca Dorn avatar
Written by Rebecca Dorn
Updated over a week ago

“After the talk on the Holy Spirit, my table host prayed for me. He asked for the presence of the Holy Spirit. That was a moment. I felt something and started to cry... there was a connection to God that could not be interrupted. It was so peaceful.”

Christian – Alpha guest

Do you long to see more of your Alpha guests experience the presence and peace of Jesus in this way? If you have been hesitant, now may be the time to begin to offer the weekend or grow in your confidence in leading it.

The Alpha weekend is an opportunity for guests to have the unhurried time, space, and environment needed to process and reflect on what they have been learning. It’s the part of Alpha that many people say was the turning point in their Alpha experience. We consistently see hearts more open to Jesus and lives changed. And that’s why we do it.

Besides watching four Alpha videos, relationships are deepened and lives are impacted by specific times of prayer.

There is some flexibility in planning your Alpha weekend. It can occur after either weeks five, six or ideally after week seven, It is good to have it occur before the video session on evil.

The weekend can be scheduled to include one, two or three days. In other articles we provide a few suggestions as to how to plan each of these schedules. You can adjust the schedule as your situation allows.

This strategic sequence helps Alpha guests learn about the Holy Spirit first and feel confident in his power before learning about the devil and his tactics. This is a key reason why the retreat is not at the end of Alpha.


The Alpha Weekend Starter Guide, found on the Series Materials tab of your registered Alpha, provides planning tips, checklists, and sample schedules.

The Team Training videos and resources are also found on the Series Materials tab of your registered Alpha. Download the training video called “Prayer and the Weekend”. Ahead of your Alpha Weekend, schedule time to watch and discuss this video with your Alpha team. This video explains the principles & practicalities of praying with your Alpha guests.

Another video you may find helpful is “Leading Prayer Ministry” found within the MyAlpha Learning Center. This video is specifically for leaders and explains more about how to lead prayer ministry effectively.

If you have questions please reach out to your Alpha Specialist. You can find your specialist at

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